
Recap & Reboot #1

CC License PDM 1.0


  • Intro to Security – Syllabus Quiz, Introductory discussion posts, weekly quizzes on reading material
  • Operating Systems 1 – Syllabus Quiz, Setting up VMware
  • Capstone 1 – Syllabus Quiz, student survey, selecting a project


  • Intro to Security – Overview of reverse engineering mindset, Chapter 1 in Security Engineering textbook
  • Operating Systems 1 – Review of C programming language, BASH review
  • Capstone 1 – Learning how to blog!, Project Management Software review and discussion post

This past week was all about diving into Fall semester 2024!

A little info on what I am taking:

Senior Capstone 1 – The first or three courses in which I will collaborate with fellow students on a final project.

Operating Systems 1 – General overview of operating systems and introduction to the C programming language.

Intro to Security – Introduction to concepts in cybersecurity and how they are applied.

A little about me:

My name is Lauren Pigue and I am currently a student at Oregon State University and looking integrate into the tech industry next year, 2025, I have three semesters left but am considering getting the Cybersecurity certificate at OSU. In this blog I will be recapping my weekly experiences in the form of input/output. Input being course material I have processed and output being the assignments I have produced based on said material. Since it’s the first week I am not entrenched in any large projects yet but I am excited to get coding! There will be more details on my experience as the plot thickens.

When I’m not working on my degree or researching internship/career prospects, I like to be doing just about any outdoor recreational activity. Particularly surfing but I am currently landlocked in Kansas City, MO so those adventures have been few and far between. I am moving to Salt Lake City, UT this January 2025 with my partner and although I love Kansas City, I am excited to be near the mountains again.

Logging off for now, see you in the future!

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