Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming

Hate crimes are committed in a variety of methods and are committed against a variety of people, often seen as belonging to a group considered being the minority. Two such groups that experiences hate crimes are the transgender and gender non-conforming communities. Members of these communities are highly disproportionately targeted victims of hate crimes around the world. These crimes are predominantly committed against a person instead of property like other hate crimes. Societies label members based on binary identifying factors, these binary factors create a divide between those who fit the majority identifying factors and those who fit the minority identifying factors. This division creates a sense of us (majority) vs. them (minority). This way of thinking produces animosity between the groups, with the majority group committing motivated crimes, hate crimes, against the minority in an effort to protect the society’s norms.
The transgender and gender non-conforming communities go against society’s norms in that the members do not follow traditional gender identity and expression. Majority of society sees this as wrong and some individuals take it into their own hands to show the victim how they feel. These communities are victims of verbal, physical, and sexual attacks because of how they have chosen to identify and express who they are. National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs makes annual reports on hate crimes committed against the LGBTQ communities and compares the information to previous reports. “This data continues a three year trend in which transgender women, LGBTQ and HIV-affected people of color, and transgender people of color experienced a greater risk of homicide than other LGBTQ and HIV-affected people” (Chestnut 2012). The severity of the violence directed towards these communities provides insight into how risky it is for these communities to have their identity discovered.
Hate crimes against transgender people are often the result of the victim being “outted” as trans. This can occur through incriminating evidence, sometimes linked with the spread of rumors. One such example of this is Brandon Teena. Brandon was arrested with friends and was placed in the female section of the jail. A few days after being released Brandon was brutally assaulted and murdered after his “friends” forced him to pull down his pants to prove his gender. Another example of a hate crime brought on after incriminating evidence is the murder of Gwen Araujo. Gwen was murdered after her sexual partners discovered she was anatomically born with a penis. Gender identification and expression is not the only factor taken into account when someone commits a hate crime; disabilities, gender, race, sexual orientation, social class, and religion are also factors of hate crimes, these factors are commonly interconnected as they are all forms used to divide people. CeCe McDonald was a victim of a gender identity hate crime and race hate crime. These factors are all connected in that a hate crime can be committed on multiple biases, one such example is the murder or Fred (FC) Martinez. Martinez was a poor gay transgender Native American, four identifying factors to the motivation of this hate crime. Another example of intersecting factors is the murder of Betty Skinner, who was a disabled transgender woman.
Trans and gender non-conforming communities continue to persevere, despite facing a myriad of issues. The issue of hate crimes committed against these communities continues to grow as the number of crimes rises exponentially. Governmental efforts and individual efforts are needed to raise awareness of this issue; they are also needed to help educate others about tolerance of diverse groups that make up a society.

Chestnut, S., Dixon, E., Jindasurat, C., Coston, B., Farrar, A., Varathan, P. (2012). National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs.

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Recap Of The Course

This course has given me the opportunity to work with a content management system like WordPress. This setup provided an externally managed site structure, hosting, and scripts, which allowed me to focus on the content material without worrying about the underlying source code.

The study of the variances between each gender also presented me with a lot of new ideas and views to consider. Throughout this course, I have a conscious effort to find and present controversial or seldom mentioned theories in order to expand the breadth of the discussions for purely academic purposes. By doing this, I have learned about social issues from a variety of different perspectives throughout society. Overall, I feel I have gained, and helped spread, a wide view and balanced view to pursue social equality.

I will continue to use various mediums that we worked with in my future such as PDFs and screenshots. As an Ecampus student I have a feeling I will have to use these in future classes to communicate with my fellow students and professors.

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Gender Lens: Recap

My research on the Linux operating system does not warrant further activism. The product does deserve a better marketing system. There is no manufacturing company, which would result in no action on their part if I said anything.

The only greatest dream I have is to be a stay at home mom. My Financial Analysis project will be on the cost of being a stay at home mom.

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Gender Lens: Challenges and Progress

I did not encounter any challenges and I have completed my rough draft. During this project I was able to improve my writing skill. Research on Linux usage and adoption showed me tat linux usage is higher in places of poor economy, but only if there is a stable government, and there that there is less adoption and less usage in economies that are already developed.

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Gender Lens: Linux Operating System

At this time I have not encountered any problems and have had success in my research for my gender lens topic, the Linux Operating System.

When I run into any problems I feel comfortable with contacting a librarian again to help me in my research for this project.

I feel comfortable enough to write my own bibliography and saving them without using any tools.


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Cultural Research Project Recap

I was very successful at optimizing and uploading images to my Cultural Research pages. I did not encounter any difficulties during this process. 

I never owned Legos or took any interest in wanting them as a child. When my younger brother would receive Legos for his birthday or Christmas I would help him put them together when he needed help. After he would finish building them we would play with some of them for a few days. Even after spending years playing with Legos I was never feeling a need to have my own.

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Librarian Research

I used the Oregon online librarian to conduct my librarian interview for the Cultural Research Project.  The librarian that I contacted provided me with several new resources detailing different aspects of Maria Goeppert-Mayer‘s life.  The most useful article provided was an article written by the subject titled “ON CLOSED SHELLS IN NUCLEI”.  The linked location that the librarian offered, however, was difficult to navigate and find the full text of the article.  Instead, I used Google’s Scholar search feature to locate the document directly.  Not only was it efficient and simple, but Google also provided a handful of other studies performed by Goeppert-Mayer herself.

Overall, I felt that the librarian resource was an excellent way to figure out where to start researching for a project, however, digital technology will always be able to perform analysis and thorough searching more efficiently than a human.

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Cultural Research Update: Maria Goeppert-Mayer

Cultural Research:

Maria Goeppert-Mayer

Maria Goeppert spent the majority of her early life in the Prussian region that is now Germany.  She was born in the early 1900’s, which enabled her to experience both the social persecutions and unique opportunities caused by both of the world wars.

Instead of running from the many hard hardships that were present at the time, Maria Goeppert was able to develop several theories on radioactive decay and quantum mechanics.  These developments provided fundamental tools that led to the creation of the nuclear reactors and even the nuclear bomb for the Manhattan Project

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Gender Lens: Initial Ideas

The gender lens project is a detailed project on a specific social issue that is particular to one gender.  I will be researching various gender related topics and committing to a social issue in next week’s post.

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Financial Analysis: Initial Ideas

The financial analysis project is an opportunity to compare the total cost of obtaining various life goals.  I will be researching various opportunities and committing to a goal in next week’s post.

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