
Writing Exercise #8

I would like to learn more about the possible influence of microbes on brain degenerative diseases such a Alzheimer’s. I don’t know of any concrete evidence that it even effects the brain in that way but as I have learned in this class, microbes can have a surprising affect on lots of systems in the body. I would also want to learn more about how to get a diverse and healthy microbial community, and how to maintain that community. I think that is a very important take away because I could use the information in this class to get healthy.

I am mostly interested in how diet and fluid intake can effect the mirobial community in my body. I love trying new and deliecious foods and if i could research and possibly make certain new foods, I think i could be happier and healthier. I know of some foods have a positive impact on gut health, but there has to be hundreds of other foods, recipes or ideas that could be delicious and help out my gut. Learning about this could convince myself to get more out of my comfort zone.

I’ll have to think about it more and maybe research some more possible ideas but I think it would be a very strong and interesting topic for me to pursue. I know there is possibly new research coming up about this topic every day and I think that is a very interesting and useful thing to look at and learn.

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