In this class I have learned quite a bit. I think it is important to understand the concepts used in today’s hiring practices. The first concept that I found very interesting is the 4/5ths rule. This rule is when a company is hiring, if they hire less minorities then 20% then the company will adverse effects. This includes for selection based on race, sex or ethnic group. This is a very eye-opening rule and makes you wonder how many companies use this rule. While this is an interesting concept, It’s not the most important thing in this class. The most important thing in this class, is the laws. This would include the EEEO laws, age discrimination, race, and sex discrimination. Even though this was not a new concept or educating point for me, I believe this topic can’t be stressed enough. It would be naïve to believe racism and sexism still does not exist. It is unfortunate in the world that we live in that we would have to create laws like this to protect other groups as we should all be treated equal regardless of race, gender, sex, culture, and religion. This is a topic that will have to continue to talk about and continue to make the society we live in better. In incorporating these laws though, I think is a strong step towards ensuring there Is harsh consequences for violating the laws against minorities. Hopefully we will continually create more laws and continue to improve the workplace for all. This quarter has been really informational and a lot of great information! I think that this helps open transparency into company hiring practices and helps those entering any industry in understanding what happens in the hiring practices.
Blog Post: Self-Reflection
1. What am I good at?
The items that I am really good at is attention to detail. This is very apparent in my day to day activities. When I am working on the airplane, I tend to notice things that show up out of the ordinary. This helps in preventing future issues.
2. What do I value?
The thing that I value the most is honesty. This make me feel like people own up to their mistakes or my mistake. This can help build confidence and trust. I think this is something that is starting to fade away because people’s ego tend to get in the way of a good decision.
3. How did I get here?
The way that I got here is abnormal path. I just kept adjusting my life to shape it into what I want it to be. I decided to take the longer path, but in taking the longer path I have picked the most accomplishments in this path.
4. Where am I going?
The way that I am going is I want to be the best person I can be. In doing this I going to continue to pursue my dream of being a military pilot and strive to work hard in all that I do.
IPIP Results & Reactions
After completing the test, I ended with the results for the following sections extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. The factors that are involved with extraversion (high 87) are: friendliness, gregariousness, assertiveness, activity level, excitement seek and cheerfulness. The scores for each are in the respective order of 87,97,55,88,88,76, and 46. Cheerfulness being the lowest and friendliness being the highest. My overall score was very high meaning that I’m sociable, outgoing, energetic, and lively. The next was agreeableness (high 82) which I received the scores: trust 92, morality 89, altruism 89, cooperation 5, modesty 65, and sympathy 90. The next is conscientiousness (high 75), I receive the following score for this: self-efficacy 90, orderliness 73, dutifulness 78, achievement-striving 76, self-discipline 57, and cautiousness 38. The next one is neuroticism (average 50) the following score are: anxiety 64, anger 60, depression 30, self-consciousness 67, immoderation 58, and vulnerability 19. The last is openness (low 26) and those scores is as follows: imagination 4, artistic interest 40, emotionality 91, adventurousness 28, intellect, 4 and liberalism 53. After reading the summary, I realize that the descriptions are scary accurate. I don’t think there is a single
After looking at the results, I think that a employer might find these results interesting. I think the part that stood out to me the most agreeableness the explanation for this is doing what’s in the best interest of people. I think my score reflect a certain career field in the business industry. I think more specifically a sales position. These traits have a strong relation to relationships built between employer, employee, and customer. I think the biggest concern that an employer might find with these results is that the openess is low compared to the other traits. This might be an issue if the industry was more of a liberal industry, where everything might be an open minded thought.
If I were in the shoes of the business owner, I would choose Jaime. The reason I would select Jaime over Avery is because she is reliable. Every time you give her a task of similar caliber you know what the end result will be. If Avery was performing at a high caliber most of the time or at least above average, she would be the easy choice. In this case Avery is below average most of the time and only performs exceptional well a small percentage of the time. In my opinion consistency is very important and is a high trait that I like in employees. Even if you have high-performance ceiling, that only shows your potential but doesn’t indicate your determination and drive. Performance is a great trait, but determination to achieve high performance is even more important
The type of job that you would best put Jaime is one where it might be more entry level and there is a lot of repetition. The job set would be more of an administration type of jobs. Having a more paperwork position allows for her to remain constant and don’t require her to excel as certain times.
The type of job the Avery would be probably a recruiter/ sale, this allows her to determine the outcome of her job perspectives. If she wants to make money, she has to work hard to gain sales. If she’s does not meet her quote, she will be out of a job. This allows her to be a slacker and determine the outcome.
When I meet an employer, the first impression I give is friendly. My strengths that I have are I’m a hard worker, determined in what I do, fast learner, and problem solver. My weaknesses are I care about my employees to point where it can possibly make a negative impact, take on to many projects at once, and being to outspoken. The thing that makes me unique is that I have a broad range of skills and experiences. I have worked in Airport operations, Hotel operations, and as a sports official. These have given me tools is working in a fast-paced environment, high stress environment, and improving interpersonal skills.
I think the best way to show the creative side by demonstrating these through an Ad is by making a video! In doing this it would be similar to a recruitment video. In this video I would demonstrate all the attributes of my job by performing day to day activities on the flight line. This would include talking to different organizations, pushing pallets, uploading cargo, and using problem solving skills to accomplish the task. This video would be kind of like a quick documentary showing one leg of a trip showing the up load and download of the airplane, and demonstrate all my strengths and weaknesses in doing my job. Another way I can be creative in showing this is by showing them what the path of a sports referee to get to the highest levels of collegiate sport and professional sports. The amount of work to achieve these levels, shows determination and drive to be successful. So be successful at the highest levels, you have to be athletically fit and work hard to be the best. Showing them the amount of training that goes into sports officiating will make anyone goes wow. A basketball referee watches 3 hours of film for every hour of game.
Blog Post: Job Descriptions
In my last job I was a C-17 Aircraft maintainer. I wanted a position that was on the flight line and was a good balance with working on school. The job description is very vague because the aircraft has so many systems and components that if you listed them the list would go on and on. The general job description does well in describing the activities that would happen fairly often. In the maintenance world, there is always something to do whether it is aircraft servicing (fuel, oil, hydraulic fluid, or oxygen), just like you car you occasionally have to fix minor details until you hit a huge milestone, then the aircraft gets a complete overhaul which is called depot. The best way to refer to the position it’s a car mechanic for airplanes. The thing that I found out about the job compared to the description is for most part we ran the diagnostics (since the airplane is mostly electronics) and did most labor, but rarely hand is over to the specialist. It was a great job if you don’t mind long days and getting dirty.
Job description: We do everything we can to keep our aircraft in peak condition at all times. Conducting pre- and post flight inspections, Airlift/Special Mission Aircraft Maintenance specialists ensure that all our aircraft are operational and ready to fly. Primarily responsible for general maintenance, these technicians also determine when repairs require the focus of an individual systems specialist so the aircraft are ready to go whenever they’re needed.
So, if my favorite company were faced with a public lawsuit it would bring a slightly worried. I am a firm believer in there is two sides to every story. I would analyze the situation prior to making an opinion on the subject. I would first look at the evidence against the company if the evidence proved the company was making discrimination-based actions then it would definitely change the way I feel on the company. It would definitely influence my decision to support the business. A way a company can rebuild my trust is my outlining a plan to fix the issue at hand. A good example is Starbucks, they had racial discrimination on using the restroom when they had a policy in place that only paying customers can use it. Starbucks admitted they were wrong and immediately had a shutdown day to give racial training and changed its policy. If I were to apply for a company that had a discrimination suit in the past, I would take it consideration what changes they have made to the company whether leadership, training, and relative steps to avoid having similar actions happen again. If they were to take corrective action within the company, then I would consider applying for the company if it were an industry or a job that I would like to fill. What makes the difference in me supporting a company is what are they doing to change the culture of discrimination. I don’t want company that is constantly getting in legal trouble or doesn’t want change for the better. If they are willing to learn in get better, I want to help that company strive to get better.
- Why might organizations decide to allocate more resources toward marketing or product design rather than using those same resources to do a really good job in employee recruitment and selection?
So, the reason that I believe that organizations allocate more money towards marketing and product design is that is where they will get their greatest ROI. So, when it comes to most industries, the product is the most important thing to a customer or the price focus. In an industry where customer service is the primary focus point, then more money is allocated. A good example of where organizations might allocate more money towards marketing and product vs employee recruitment is the fast food industry. In many people’s eyes they rather see decent quality food with super cheap prices (dollar menu, or 2 for 6 specialty products) then go to a sit-down restaurant where the prices are higher, and the quality is exceptionally better. Customers rather take the lower quality item and worse customer service then paying significantly more. Most of the companies that do allocate resources more towards marketing and product design typically do not make fortune 500 company list.
- What are the potential strengths and weaknesses of an organization’s decision to not prioritize recruitment and selection in favor of a focus on other aspects of the business?
Pros/ strengths:
– reduced time spent looking for high quality candidates
– shortened hiring process
– lower salary costs/ minimum wage rates
– costs can go towards higher prioritized items
Cons/ weaknesses:
- Higher employee turnover
- Possible low customer satisfaction as result of training
- More gaps in organizationally efficiency
- Weak team cohesiveness
- Bad company dynamic/ possible toxic personalities within the company
- Failure to have mentorship between employees
- Lack of future leaders, may possibly result in a downfall of the company
- Describe your experiences from the perspective of an applicant for the last job you for which you applied.
So, my experience is really simple from my last job that I applied for. So, the company that I applied for is called Maxim Healthcare. This company manages/ staffs healthcare professionals in education, prisons, hospitals, and other industries that may require healthcare professionals. My application process was really straight forward, I put in an application for handshake. This automatically generated my resume and sent it to the company. A month goes by and the accounts manager for their educational services team division. That would be the future division I would be working for, if I were to get the job. He basically told me what the position entailed and what the company was all about. He basically asked me a series of question, to try to get a feel if I would be a good fit with the company. He then followed up with how the rest of the interview series would go if we were to continue the application process.
- Explain how your experiences during the job application process shaped your impression of the job you were applying for and your desire to work there (or in some cases to not work there).
In going through the application process, I like how it is structured. The only thing that I consider is a little excess is that there are 4 tiers of interviews in addition to the questionnaire/ pre- interview phone call. It is nice that the person you would actually be working with is helping you with the process, and gives you a strong Idea of what to expect throughout the whole process. I think that in giving me the perspective of what the job entails, is more in line with what I want to do in a future career and gives more insight of what the people who work there are like from a social aspect.