Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Blog Post 3: Retrospective

    As the term wraps, and therefore my time as an OSU student, I find myself reflecting on the unique experience of Capstone and what I’ve learned throughout it. My group has been working on an Escape Room game built with Unity. Having never worked with Unity, there were of course many breakthroughs with using this…

  • Blog Post #2: Development with AI

    My team is continuing to work on our Escape Room game, with significant progress being made with Unity and working with some commercial assets we purchased. AI is not a feature of our game – there is no “AI component” with which the user can interact, but it has nonetheless played a significant role for…

  • My First Blog Post

    Last term at OSU, here we go! I’m coming into this final term having just finished an internship with Cvent, working hybrid out of their Portland office. The next few months will be spent job searching, and working on whatever Capstone project gets thrown my way! All of my larger personal projects so far have…

Got any book recommendations?