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Thank you to everyone who joined us for an incredibly successful event on September 5, 2018. Oregon State University’s College of Agricultural Sciences and the OSU Extension Service partnered with OSU150 to convene an event that sparked bold and visionary conversations around food systems and community food resilience. We welcomed over 220 audience members including interested community members, local and regional food networks, elected officials, faculty, students, and more to Portland, and the event was livestreamed at 14 sites across the state to ignite local conversation.

We will keep this event website up for a period of time as a place for you to reference resources and share updates and next steps as they emerge.

Event recap:

Listened and learned

Presentations from two dynamic and engaging keynote speakers were followed by examples, questions, and discussion of systems-level work on these complex and critical issues.

Shared and looked ahead

Together we shared, discussed, and explored many topics and perspectives, including: historical, statewide, and regional food systems, the dynamic role of land grant universities, and progressive ways of engaging with local communities to co-create a resilient future.

Came together, reflected, and celebrated

We continued the conversation during a reception at the Oregon Historical Society, and viewed the exhibit that celebrates OSU’s 150th anniversary.

Thank you

Special thanks to Lauren Gwin, OSU Center for Small Farms & Community Food Systems, for her work helping to plan and moderate this event.

This event was part of OSU’s 150th anniversary celebration.  Learn more at OSU150.org.