FEMMSS 7 Is One For the Books! See You In 2020!

Navigating Habitats: Feminist Explorations of Disability, Climates, Ecosystems, and Technologies

Land Acknowledgement:

For more than 500 years, Native communities across the Americas have demonstrated resilience and resistance in the face of violent efforts to separate them from their land, culture, and each other. As a “Land Grant” university Oregon State University shares in this painful legacy. The land granted by the federal government for the construction of OSU  is located in the traditional territory of the Chepenefa  (“Mary’s River”) band of the Kalapuya. After the Kalapuya Treaty (Treaty of Dayton) in 1855, Kalapuya people were forcibly removed to what are now the Grand Ronde and Siletz reservations, and are now members of Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon (https://www.grandronde.org) and the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians (http://ctsi.nsn.us). We hope this conference can contribute to a movement of repair, reparations, recognition, and reconciliation.