2024-2025 Program Eastside Ecology Forum (EEF) is a place for scientists, managers, natural resource practitioners and others to share and discuss research, projects, issues and topics relevant to the region. We meet biweekly on Tuesday’s from October – May in person or online. To receive news, announcements and updates, please subscribe to the EEF mailing list.
Zoom Link: https://beav.es/GFR
Date | 2024-2025 Schedule (4:00 PM every other TUESDAY) | Location |
10/22/24 | Effects of Cattle Grazing on Food Web Dynamics in the Sagebrush Sea Vanessa Schroeder, EOARC-Burns, Oregon State University | PNW |
11/05/24 | Spatial Planning and Conservation Readiness to Promote Resilient Sagebrush Ecosystems Cameron Duquette The Nature Conservancy | EOU |
11/19/24 | Assessing the influence of defoliation on medusahead seed production and viability in Eastern Oregon Will Price OSU Extension, Union/Baker Counties, Oregon State University | EOU |
12/03/24 | Mitigating Wolf-Livestock Conflict on National Forest System Lands Susan Charnley, Pacific Northwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service | EOU |
12/17/24 | Prioritizing Invasive Plant Species for Prevention and Early-Detection/Rapid Response on National Wildlife Refuges: Lessons Learned & Future Directions Rob Taylor, US Fish and Wildlife Services | PNW |
01/07/25 | Northern Goshawk Management: A 50-year Perspective Pat Kennedy, EOARC-Union, Oregon State University | EOU |
02/04/25 | Using Genomic Techniques to Understand the Ecology and Population Status of the Wallowa Rosy-Finch Ben Vernasco, Whitman College | EOU |
02/18/25 | Comparing the effects of varying raven management strategies on sage-grouse reproductive success in eastern Oregon Ricard Rich, Oregon State University | PNW |
03/04/25 | Grazing gradients and environmental predictors of annual grass invasion across the Northern Great Basin Madelon Case, U.S. Geological Service | EOU |
03/18/25 | Wallowa Resources’ Wallowa Canyonlands Partnership Program: the Importance of Partnerships Brogan Watson, Wallowa Resources | PNW zoom |
04/01/25 | Josh Averett, EOARC Union, Oregon State University | EOU zoom |
04/15/25 | Grazing, Fuels, and Modeled Fire Behavior in Sagebrush Steppe JB Playfair, Drone Lab, University of Idaho Drone | EOU zoom |
04/29/25 | Jodie Brandt. Boise State University | EOU zoom |
05/13/25 | Micah Schmidt. OSU Extension Service, Oregon State University | PNW zoom |