What Is the Metaverse and Why Should We Care?

If you’ve consumed almost any media in the past year or so, you’ve probably noted the meteoric rise of the concept of the metaverse, a vast, utopian (its proponents claim) virtual reality landscape that augments and redefines the way people interact with each other. The metaverse aims to reinvent how we interface with information, computation, and communication in just the same fundamental way as the personal computer, and later the smartphone did. At this formative moment of the metaverse, where the very concept is nebulous, it’s important to take stock of what it’s planned to be, who and what incentivizes it, and what what it could truly be.

Mark Zuckerberg’s now-famous manifesto on the metaverse is probably the seminal piece of media describing the proposed virtual space. There, Zuckerberg lays out principles for the metaverse, including interoperability, privacy and safety, and natural interfaces. Naturally, one may notice that several of the principles exist to some degree on existing platforms–Zuckerberg lists presence, avatars, and virtual goods as core features, which have been staples of massively multiplayer video games since their inception. The presentation claims, however, that the magic of the metaverse lies in the combination of all of the principles to a degree that has been previously unattained. In the same way that many startups are an amalgamation of once-separate spaces (“Tinder for dogs and there’s date suggestions“, “DoorDash for alcohol and there’s cocktail recipes”, etc.), the metaverse seems to be a similar incremental improvement on digital spaces: “Massively multiplayer games for VR and there are a multitude of contexts”.

Specifications aside, what truly provides insight on the metaverse is who its developers and prime investors are. Clearly, Meta (formerly Facebook) is a proponent, but recent news shows a prevalence of major banks, law firms, and entertainment conglomerates committing resources to the metaverse. This all reveals the metaverse’s social and economic position as a top-down, corporate-led initiative staked on the old adage, “If you build it, they will come.” Zuckerberg himself, in his expository speech on the metaverse, confessed that it’s still a far-off concept and will take time yet to come to fruition; these investment-happy companies, then, are counting on a first-mover advantage to pay off in the form of more exposure on the new social platform. And ultimately, given the information we have so far, that’s really what the metaverse is unfolding to be: a new social platform, built on VR headsets (which Meta happens to manufacture).

But does the metaverse have the potential to be more? Investors certainly think so, but could it truly reach the ubiquity that its most fervent proponents claim it will? To answer this, it’s important to honestly assess the scale that the metaverse is looking to achieve; no doubt, its investors would like the metaverse to become a fundamental channel by which humans interact, earning itself a place amongst the malls, restaurants, movie theaters and other venues in which we meet now. One need only look to the channels the metaverse is incrementing on to see how this could succeed and where it may fail: Facebook and other major social media platforms have revolutionized one-to-many communication, but have also been cesspits of misinformation and radicalization. The metaverse, at its core, is asking users to stake more of themselves into the digital landscape, trading a news feed for a 3d space with motion, dynamics, and physicality. Repeatedly, however, we see that people will generally act worse on the internet than they would in the real world, and even the worst actors are given a platform on some corner of the web. Currently, metaverse proponents have a well-defined plan to bring the technical specifications to realization, but in the classic Silicon Valley story, there is no word on the social ramifications of the product.

Ultimately, the metaverse is, at the moment, an incremental improvement to online social interaction, with novel ideas mixed with familiar ones. As such, much of the way we interface with current virtual spaces will hold, though more affordances will be given to users to express themselves uniquely than before. This has its benefits, generally making online interactions more rich and intricate, but will almost certainly ultimately run into the same social issues present on existing platforms like Facebook. It remains to be seen how the metaverse and its investors will address the potential social issues.

Creating a Microsoft Teams Bot – Part 4: Bot Commands

This is the fourth post in a series of posts documenting the creation of BeaverHours, a Microsoft Teams bot which handles office hours queueing.

In the last installment, we learned how the bot processes input with its onMessage event handler. Now, we’ll learn how to populate the bot’s command menu to offer suggestions to the user about what commands the bot will process. The command menu, seen in the screenshot below, offers an intuitive way to signal to the user what the bot can be expected to do.

Searching the contents of the code reveals two places where this particular command menu is defined: templates/appPackage/manifest.local.template.json and templates/appPackage/manifest.remote.template.json. Intuition tells us (and the docs confirm) that these are configuration files for local and remote deployment; that is, local behavior will be defined by manifest.local.template.json and remote behavior will be defined by manifest.remote.template.json. In these files, the key property that is of interest to us is the bots array, which holds bot objects which take the form:

  "botId": <string>,
  "scopes": ["personal", "team","groupchat"],
  "supportsFiles": <boolean>,
  "isNotificationOnly": <boolean>,
  "commandLists": [
    "scopes": ["personal", "team","groupchat"],
    "commands": [
        "title": "welcome",
        "description": "Resend welcome card of this Bot"
        "title": "learn",
        "description": "Learn about Adaptive Card and Bot Command"

Clearly, commandLists.commands is the property of interest here. It takes the form of an array of { title, description } objects. Let’s try replacing the commands here with the hello command we wrote in the previous post.

  "botId": <string>,
  "scopes": ["personal", "team","groupchat"],
  "supportsFiles": <boolean>,
  "isNotificationOnly": <boolean>,
  "commandLists": [
    "scopes": ["personal", "team","groupchat"],
    "commands": [
        "title": "hello",
        "description": "Echoes the user's input."

It works! We now have a way to signal to the user what commands are available in the bot.

Using the command menu along with the onMessage handler, we were able to define bot behavior and advertise that behavior to the user. In the next installment, we’ll implement some in-memory structures to preserve state in the bot between messages.

Creating a Microsoft Teams Bot – Part 3: Bot Operations

This is the third post in a series of posts documenting the creation of BeaverHours, a Microsoft Teams bot which handles office hours queueing.

Previously, the architecture of a Microsoft Teams bot was inspected and found to be a REST API endpoint wrapping a TeamsBot object. In this post, we’ll explore the class that object is an instance of and how it handles commands.

Inspecting the boilerplate code, the TeamsBot class is defined in bot/teamsBot.ts. The example bot comes with two built-in commands: “welcome” and “learn”; searching the source file for these words reveals that the handlers are defined in the constructor, which looks something like:

constructor() {
    this.onMessage(async (context, next) => {
      let txt = context.activity.text;
      // some text sanitizing here

      switch (txt) {
        case "welcome": {
          const card =
          await context.sendActivity({
            attachments: [CardFactory.adaptiveCard(card)],
        case "learn": {
          this.likeCountObj.likeCount = 0;
          const card = AdaptiveCards.declare<DataInterface>(
          await context.sendActivity({
            attachments: [CardFactory.adaptiveCard(card)],
      await next();

By inspection, it appears that the onMessage event handler fires when the bot receives a message and provides a context object, describing the received event and the contextual state, and a next function which the handler is expected to pass control to when it’s finished. In this way, the message handler is much like standard middleware in common backend frameworks. The true meat of this function is the switch statement on the variable txt, which contains the sanitized value of context.activity.text, the body of the received message.

Using the existing cases as a guide, we can change the body of the switch statement to handle the command we want. The context.sendActivity method appears to be what prompts the bot to send a reply, so we can use that, in conjunction with txt, to create an echo bot.

switch (txt) {
  case "hello": {
    await context.sendActivity(`Hi there! You sent "${txt}".`);

The result:

It works!

Next time, we’ll dig into adding commands into the command menu and implementing more complex logic in commands.

Creating a Microsoft Teams Bot – Part 2: Setup

This is the second post in a series of posts documenting the creation of BeaverHours, a Microsoft Teams bot which handles office hours queueing.

With the decision to make a chatbot made, the next step was to find out how to create the bot and set up the appropriate development environment. Luckily, Microsoft makes quickly starting up a project for Microsoft Teams very convenient with the use of Teams Toolkit, an extension for Visual Studio Code which spins up preconfigured Teams projects much in the way of tools like Create React App. After following the easy quick start tutorial in Microsoft’s docs, we were able to generate a scaffolded Node.js app in TypeScript.

While the Teams Toolkit makes it easy to get a project up and running and even provides a seamless way to run locally developed bots on test servers, it actually pulls together several services to get a development bot running on Teams. The core functionality is the bot itself, which, by inspection of the code, is simply a REST API wrapping some bot processing logic. The following code snippet makes this clear:

// Create the bot that will handle incoming messages.
const bot = new TeamsBot();

// Create HTTP server.
const server = restify.createServer();
server.listen(process.env.port || process.env.PORT || 3978, () => {
  console.log(`\nBot Started, ${server.name} listening to ${server.url}`);

// Listen for incoming requests.
server.post("/api/messages", async (req, res) => {
  await adapter.processActivity(req, res, async (context) => {
    await bot.run(context);

Teams Toolkit configures the development environment to deploy the bot locally to a Teams workspace by simply running the debugging workflow: in Visual Studio Code, that’s set off by pressing F5. In doing this, a series of actions is fired off, as evidenced by the resulting terminal windows which open, shown in the picture below.

The Tasks which are run when debugging.

These tasks, in sequential order, are starting ngrok, which exposes a public endpoint to the REST server in the code snippet above, authorizing the bot to the target Microsoft Teams workspace, and starting the bot (i.e., server) itself.

At this stage, it’s clear that the desired bot logic should be defined by altering the TeamsBot class, as the REST server is simply a wrapper for the TeamsBot.run() method. We’ll dive into that in the next installment.

Creating a Microsoft Teams Bot – Part 1: Inspiration

This is the first post in a series of posts documenting the creation of BeaverHours, a Microsoft Teams bot which handles office hours queueing.

Chat-based bots are a large part of advanced server functionality on instant messaging platforms. Those familiar with Twitch probably know Nightbot, which allows streamers to manage their chat moderation, is ubiquitous on the platform; in broader terms, the top Discord bots boast installs on millions of servers. It’s clear that bots are a good tool for automating administrative tasks in chat servers, which is why I and my partners, Jack Donkers and Rohit Chaudhary have decided to build a bot for Oregon State University’s official communication platform, Microsoft Teams, which helps TAs and professors manage queues of students and questions during office hours.

The problem we have each encountered was that virtual office hours have a lot of room for improvement from an organizational standpoint; busy chatrooms scroll by faster than they can be read, questions go unanswered unless they’re repeated by the asker several times, and sessions commonly end with outstanding unanswered questions. Having an ordered system by which instructors may take questions is crucial to keeping office hours on track and relevant to student learning outcomes.

This was the motivation for BeaverHours, our team’s proposed Microsoft Teams chatbot. Our goal was to increase transparency and reduce administrative overhead in office hours by creating a bot that efficiently fields and queues questions for course staff and allows them to focus on the true reason for office hours: sharing knowledge and helping students get past sticking points.

An example of how the BeaverHours bot may function. Accountability and transparency in the administration of office hours are core tenets for our bot.

At the time of writing, the implementation details for BeaverHours are still being planned out; ultimately, it’s the team’s true hope that our project be used wherever students attend office hours in droves.