• A fast quarter with FastAPI

    This course has been a great experience for me. I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to work in a team on a large project and get valuable practice with the flow of continuous integration and continuous delivery, code reviews, peer programming, stand-ups, and general team communication. My team was also fortunate to work with a sponsor, and…

  • Weaviate and the power of vector magic

    I’d like to take a moment to talk about a technology that I’m particularly looking forward to utilizing in my capstone project this quarter: a vector database. In the current technology landscape where big data reigns supreme, vector databases are pivotal when it comes to powering advanced search and recommendation systems – especially in artificial…

  • Hello world!

    It’s the capstone! I can’t wait to get started, meet my team, and create something meaningful. But first, let me take a moment to briefly introduce myself. My name is Allen, and like many of my peers in the course, I entered this program as a post-bacc student in the middle of the pandemic. I…

Got any book recommendations?