Writing Exercise #8

I think the most interesting that I’ve learned so far in this class is gut microbiota and there are many diseases associated with it. However, I am also interested in the relationship between mother and newborn with regards to the development of the gut microbiota. I think I’d like to explore more about the relationship between the mother and newborn but am afraid that I will not be able to find enough research on it, however, there also be more research on it since giving birth is happening all the time and being able to understand all the science behind it will be very interesting.

By focusing on the relationship between the mother and newborn with relation to the development of gun microbiota, I will able to learn more about the things that affect the process. Things to focus on could be the onset of certain diseases in the children, prior to giving birth, and data on the children several years later in life. Types of diseases that may occur, whether genetics is a major part of it, or if the community/environment is somehow related to it. This type of research would be very interesting to know especially when it may be something that happens to me in the future.

After some time free writing, I think that I would like research more about the development of the gut microbiota prior to birth and post birth.

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