Category: Uncategorized

  • WebAssembly

    First released in the spring of 2017, WebAssembly (Wasm) is a new portable binary-code format aimed at high-performance web applications. Interestingly, web assembly is designed as an open standard so it may be supported by any language and operating system. Currently, Rust is able to compile directly to web assembly through its cargo toolchain and…

  • AWS Web App Hosting

    Our team is building WasmFiddle, a browser-based code sandbox which allows a user to write C/C++/Rust and view the result of executing the code. Some of the options for hosting that we explored were: Run the app locally – requires providing deployment instructions for viewing and grading Host on a “Platform-as-a-Service” website (eg Heroku) –…

  • Introduction

    Computers have been a large part of my life for as long as I can remember. Growing up I spent many late nights playing video games with friends and when I wasn’t gaming, I was often tinkering with the computer’s hardware. Despite this, I pursued a degree in Petroleum Engineering and kicked off my career…