Project Tech Stack

For my capstone project, I’m working on a SaaS Application for Fire Department 911 Risk Analysis. My group and I are taking over from the Summer 2023 capstone team and we’re working on adding a database and control plane to the existing project. The front end is made up of React and the back end is created with C# and .NET. I think my favorite part of the project so far is React. I haven’t had too much experience building web applications using it before and it’s a bit of a learning curve on top of learning the existing code base. As I’m going through several crash courses on React, I’m starting to see how useful it can be for creating the front end of web applications. The use of components really helps with redundancy as they can be reused efficiently without duplicating too much code. Working on the control plane side, we’re also looking into implementing ways to authenticate users using Auth0 and payment processing using Stripe. Both of these technologies are used throughout the industry and it’s nice to be able to get exposure and experience working alongside them on an application. As the term is coming along, I’m excited to incorporate what I’ve learned and apply it to the project.






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