Category: Uncategorized

  • A Reply to My Own Letter

    When I started the course, I remember writing a letter to myself as a first blog to have something to ponder over while working on the capstone project. Now, this is a reply to my past self. First, congrats! I was doing much better than anticipated in both the course and the project than my…

  • First Step Into Capstone Project

    In my opinion, the start of a project is usually the most daunting phase. There’s no template or structure for making the application. There’s no knowing if the approach taken on the project is correct. Perhaps a good portion of the initial plan have to be scrap once progress was made. But once the hurdle…

  • Worries About Projects & Career Path

    I’m writing this post as something to reflect on during and after the Capstone Project course and for anyone who may relate. Currently, I am in my second-to-last quarter of this double-degree computer science program and as someone who is constantly anxious over many things, I found the future to be really daunting the closer…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!