A Reply to My Own Letter

When I started the course, I remember writing a letter to myself as a first blog to have something to ponder over while working on the capstone project. Now, this is a reply to my past self.

First, congrats! I was doing much better than anticipated in both the course and the project than my pessimistic self have expected from the beginning. A major part of this success must be credited to the efforts of my teammates who are friendly and reliable. I would not have made it as far as I did without them.

Second, job hunting is still in progress. Unfortunately, there is nothing to be done about this. I was advised to do the practice questions on Leetcode and know how to explain my answers to better prepare for potential interviews.

Overall, things are turning out great and looking back, I shouldn’t have such downer views on my goals because these kinds of thoughts only made my path seem harder than it actually is.

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