First Step Into Capstone Project

In my opinion, the start of a project is usually the most daunting phase. There’s no template or structure for making the application. There’s no knowing if the approach taken on the project is correct. Perhaps a good portion of the initial plan have to be scrap once progress was made. But once the hurdle was crossed, everything will come a little easier afterwards.

Take for the capstone project I’m doing right now. This is my first time working with Xcode, Swift, and Arkit to make an augmented reality application for 3d popup storybooks. My part in the project is implementing two functions: text recognition from images and text-to-speech synthesis. I have no idea where to begin and have spent the past week doing research, trying to gather useful tutorials and sources to reference to.

In this phase, communication with my teammates is a really important factor. We reaffirm the roles and tasks we’re doing, discuss potential difficulties we might face, and generally offer encouragement and support to each other. It really feels different tackling a project individually versus as a group. Somehow, the project feels less scary having someone to talk to and get advices from.

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