Worries About Projects & Career Path

I’m writing this post as something to reflect on during and after the Capstone Project course and for anyone who may relate. Currently, I am in my second-to-last quarter of this double-degree computer science program and as someone who is constantly anxious over many things, I found the future to be really daunting the closer I get to graduation.

Part of the anxiety comes from my personal concerns. They are something everyone would have stressed over at some point: getting career-related work experience. It is my goal to find an internship or a job offer to transition into before graduation but I always found the first step (which is writing a suitable resume) to be difficult, ironically due to the aforementioned issue. There’s nothing to be done about that, however, and I have encouraged myself to revisit and revise my projects from past courses to showcase my skills and efforts on the resume instead. Hopefully, it’ll be enough along with the interview practices.

The other part of the anxiety is related to this capstone project course. This course has been something I look forward to and dread at the same time. I am excited to work on a bigger project and gain insights (both in coding and soft skills) from operating with a team. At the same time, I’m also worried about my contribution — will I be able to keep up with everyone? Will we complete the project successfully? I await my future self to revisit this post and give myself an answer. Who knows? Maybe things are not as worrying as I made them out to be, or I could be stressing over new stuff.

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