Category: Uncategorized

  • Self-Reflection

    In this week’s material, we gained insight into the importance of self-reflection and how to do so. Through self-reflection, one can gain insights into their strengths, weaknesses, values, and aspirations. It is a valuable tool for personal growth and development, as it encourages individuals to question their beliefs, learn from past experiences, and make conscious…

  • Typical vs. Maximal Job Performance

    Deciding between two employees can often be a difficult decision as both candidates are likely to possess great strengths, however, in the end, only one person. gets the role. In this example for this week’s prompt, we are prompted to choose between Avery, who can be one of the best on their day, and Jaime,…

  • Selling Your Brand

    When applying and eventually interviewing for jobs, you have to create an identity or brand that makes employers look at you and your qualities and go, “I want them”. If you can do that, then you have a high chance of landing the job you desire. In my opinion, I feel like the first impression…

  • Experiences with Discrimination

    Discrimination in the workplace occurs more often than people may think as it can often go unnoticed. Discrimination can take many forms, such as not being hired, being paid less than others for the same work, or being passed on for promotions or training opportunities. When people are discriminated against, they often have a decline…

  • Job Applications

    Job applications can often be a daunting task to complete and the hassle of completing them is no fun as they can often take ages to complete and you never know how many applications you are going to submit. The worst part about doing job applications is the uncertainty of getting an interview, let alone…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!