Typical vs. Maximal Job Performance

Deciding between two employees can often be a difficult decision as both candidates are likely to possess great strengths, however, in the end, only one person. gets the role. In this example for this week’s prompt, we are prompted to choose between Avery, who can be one of the best on their day, and Jaime, who is one of the firm’s most consistent employees.

Now, if I were in the business owner’s shoes, I think I would pick Avery as she has the potential to be a standout employee. While it may be a risk to take someone who is considered a slacker, I think that putting Avery in an environment where others push her to be better and to put in the work, I believe her standard will raise and she can outdo her potential.

A job I think it would be better to hire someone like Avery would be a creative or innovative position. For example, if a company is looking for someone to develop new ideas and be innovative, Avery may be more valuable because of her creativity and can come up with innovative ideas. In this type of job, the ability to generate new ideas, take risks, and think outside the box is critical. On the other hand, a job where it would be better to hire someone like Jaime would be a job that requires precision and accuracy, like an accountant or auditor. In these jobs, attention to detail, consistency, and reliability is key and since Jaime has high consistency, Jaime is more likely to perform the task accurately.






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