IPIP Results and Reactions

Personality tests can often be tedious and irrelevant to applicants or anyone who has taken one before, but some employers actually find great significance in these tests to see whether an applicant is suitable for a position or not.

This week, I took the shorter version of the IPI-NEO Narrative Test and answered some questions that I never really thought about, however, the answers and results to the test aligned with who I am as a person. Looking at the first category, extraversion, my score was relatively low as the highest score I had was a 49 on activity level, which means I am an introvert, which isn’t always a bad thing. Moving onto agreeableness, I was considered to have average agreeableness which I thought was a little off since I do agree and disagree with people often. The next dimension was conscientiousness in which I was average again, but here I agree that the score was accurate. Next came neuroticism which I was considered high and again, I agree, as I can get upset easily. Lastly comes openness to experience which I was considered low on and perceived as someone who is down to earth and likes to live plain and simple.

Now, if an employer had access to my results, some strengths they might notice include my being down to earth and being seen as someone who can help approach challenges with a practical mindset and find realistic solutions. Employers may also find me to be practical and suggest that I have a strong ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. They also see that I am organized and that my organizational skills can contribute to a company’s efficiency and productivity. While there are strengths that companies may notice, my results also show some weaknesses, the first of which is my being slightly introverted. While being introverted has its strengths, such as being a good listener, it might require effort to actively engage in social interactions or express yourself assertively in group settings. However, introversion is not necessarily a weakness, as it can be balanced with other communication skills. If you lean towards being reserved, you might sometimes find it challenging to share your thoughts and ideas openly or initiate conversations. Additionally, my results showed that I am slightly reserved, so, if I lean towards being reserved, I might sometimes find it challenging to share my thoughts and ideas openly or initiate conversations. Lastly, my results show that I am not all that assertive so if I am highly considerate of others’ opinions and emotions, I may occasionally find it difficult to assert my own ideas or take the lead in certain situations.






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