Our Capstone Project

I wanted to introduce the Capstone Project we are working on this quarter. This is one of the final projects of my education at Oregon State University! Yes! I am so close to graduating. For this project, I decided to join the “Citizen Science Application for Kids” which is a two part project – one for kids as a mobile application and one for teachers as an admin portal. This project is meant to create a more engaging way for students to interact with science and use cell phones to help record data.

This application enables teachers to create projects and share them with students. On the mobile application, students will enter their data and submit it to the database. The database will store all the data in the admin portal and the teacher can access all the data and export it in a csv.

My team decided to house the database in Google Cloud in conjunction with MySQL. We setup the database using Express and NodeJS. Our front end will be established with handlebars. It’s a work in progress so far, but I will share more on our progress. I’m not the most versed in JavaScript but at the end of this project, I hope to step out of my comfort zone and really understand JavaScript!






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