Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog Post #3

    Hi! So far, working on my capstone has been a great time! My teammates are great and learning new technology is always fun. Except when it doesn’t work. For our project, we have to create an AR storybook. Our goal is to improve literacy rate for young kids and having an AR experience on top…

  • Post #1

    Hi! My name is Ryu. Yeah, like Ryu from Street Fighter… or lately, its been “Rue” from Hunger Games? I don’t really see the resemblance but hey, it’s easy for others to pronounce that compared to my full name. Ryunosuke. Try pronouncing that one! Or just call my Ryan like all of my elementary school…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!