Category: OSU CS Capstone

  • Capstone Project Part 1 Completed

    Now that our team has completed the final draft of the design document and client verification, our project is ready for development. Which means that the first out of three senior software engineering project courses is coming to an end. So far, I think the structure of this course is very well developed. I think…

  • Design Phase Completed

    The Capstone project that I am working on is an opinionated project management system website. My team has successfully drafted a design document and is ready for the implementation phase. We struggled on a missing team member problem, but that has been overcome. Now that we have a design for the front-end, back-end, and database…

  • Initiation

    My name is Xiaoyan Yang and I am a fourth year undergraduate student at Oregon State University I currently live off campus within Corvallis and the time zone is PST I have three cats and a dog. I play tennis and love video games I have always loved computer since I was young and something…