I am choosing Jocelyn Bell Burnell as my woman.

  1. Jocelyn Bell Burnell was an Northern Irish Graduate student at Cambridge University. Burnell was the person to discover pulsars, which are extremely important for the advancement of all branches of astrophysics, especially in Star Analysis and Cosmology.
  2. Jocelyn Burnell is from Northern Ireland, born in the United Kingdom. The UK’s culture does differ quite a bit from American culture despite the States formerly being a British colony. It is much for left wing over there, and due to her being born in a different time period, was much more oppressive to women. Me being a male especially differentiates our cultures.
  3. Burnell discovered pulsar stars in her undergrad days. But the work that followed about pulsars that ultimately resulted in a Nobel Prize was all accredited to Anthony Hewish and Martin Ryle. Her supervisor and a radio astronomer.
  4. She was born July 15th 1943. And is still alive today.
  5. Burnell is still prominent in the science community, serving as president for many scientific boards, and being very busy. While yes she is still alive. I don’t know about the possibilities of getting an interview. However emailing her a list of questions would not be a bad idea. (Worst case scenario she doesn’t reply).

I used google and found this article which I then researched using google scholar and found that she was a reasonable person to research.

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