Hello World!

I have been working in internal audit for over 6 years now, and it has become increasingly important to learn computers due to the automation trend in our industry. Each year, there is a newer analytic tool being introduced to the team so that some of the processes could be automated, which really made me worried that the day my job becomes obsolete may come soon. I wanted to learn computer/software so that it opens doors for me, and brings more career opportunities such as cyber security audit/ analysis jobs. For my future career, I am very interested in cyber security, or security type of engineer jobs that requires the candidate to not only know the underlining risks of the business operations/ IT framework, it also requires the candidate to communicate with a different group of people, and take preventive actions against the risks. That really fell into the scope of an operational auditor from my previous job.

I started this program in Fall 2020, and this quarter would be my last quarter at OSU. I am taking both the capstone class and CS493.So far, my favorite class in this program is CS492- Mobile Application Development. I was very into flutter/Dart programming. It is very rewarding to see my implementation on a device immediately after I hit the hot reload button. It is also a very convenient cross-platform tool to use to implement a software idea. Although I am still new to flutter (I have been using flutter for roughly 3 months) I feel very familiar with the framework and looking forward to doing the capstone project in flutter.

The project that interested me the most is “Dating app for animal adoption”. I am really into the topic, and I think it would be great to help connect animal lovers and people who need to rehome their animals. Especially during pandemic, the need for pet adoption has spiked, so I think the application would be in great demand.

I have 15 chickens at home – 5 of them are still baby chicks, 10 of them are adult hens. I also have 2 dogs –  1 female Goldendoodle and 1 male Goldendoodle. In addition, I have one bunny who is almost 8 years old now, still very active and healthy. Because I have so many backyard chickens, there is always a lot of cleaning work for me to do. So, every day in the morning I collect the chicken manure and throw it into the compost bin to create great quality soil for gardening. So far, I have planted asparagus, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, cucumber, watermelon, and a lot of kale. Aside from creating great software applications, growing my own groceries really gives me a lot of joy.

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