Mossiat ERS wk1 Blog: “Job Application Experiences”

The most recent job application I went through was yesterday. I had applied to be a footwear technician at a Birkenstock repair shop and just recently interviewed. As an applicant, it was a pretty standard process to what I have been a part of in the past. I found the posting somewhere, followed the instructions for applying online, a few days later I received a call, and a few after that, I had an interview. There are times where I will shy away from an application if it encompasses to many things that are needed for the job. For example, some jobs are way too underpaid and need little to no qualification but ask you to write these extensive essays on random things. If you want to know more about me as a person just conduct an in person interview out of the gate, it is the best way to learn more about the applicant. Since this company was straight foreword, I continued with the process.

After interviewing and touring, my impression of the job was very good. It is critical that companies take time to imagine what the interviewee is going through during an application. The company needs employees and if they showcase a place that people don’t want to work at then they are going to struggle to find quality workers. The company was clean and the interview process was straight to the point and included details about the job. Things like this are critical to employee recruitment.


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