When reflecting on what method was used on me to measure the training effectiveness would be the Pre-/Post measures. Using a level 1 position as a car washer/detailer at a previous job, this way of measuring allowed my supervisor to see how I perform with little to no training and then once I was taught how to effectively do the task then they would be able to measure my progress and see the difference. This allows them to see if they want to spend more time and resources training me. This position in hindsight is very clear to see whether the person will be able to perform with or without training. Which is where I can compare to what was beneficial and what wasn’t. There are certain things when detailing a car that need to always be taken into consideration while at the same time being as fast as you can. If you can show that you can detail a car and provide it to the salesperson to hand off, then this provided information on who the top performers were and who we can rely on to perform the task most effectivity while leaving other tasks to the workers who lack thereof. What wasn’t useful during training was the feeling of being throwing into the deep end. Until mistakes are made that is when the supervisor has the responsibility to provide enough detail and information on how to not make those mistakes and improve overall. That is why I felt that this company had the measurement method of Pre-/Post measure because the lack of training to start with and then training afterwards.