Comic Strips Featuring Invasive Species

Sparked by the recent feature of invasive species in Jan Eliot’s Stone Soup comic strip series, teachers are now using the art of developing comic strips to help their students learn about invasive species and to share information with others. Check out our gallery of student comic strips here and PLEASE share your students’ comics; to do so, contact WISE Program Coordinator, Tania Siemens, For guidance on creating invasive species comics or other lesson plans, check out our Stone Soup: Cartooning and Invasive Species Lesson Plan in the Aquatic Invasive Species Menace to the West Toolkit.

Stone Soup Comic Lesson Activity

A new lesson activity is based around the recent invasive species segment in the Stone Soup comic by Jan Eliot. To learn more about the comic, read Amy Schneider’s post on the WISE blog.

Heidi Lent, recently tried this new lesson activity with her middle school class. Before the activity, her students had already researched an invasive species and written a 5-paragraph essay about their invasive species, so they were able to apply the knowledge they had learned to a comic strip. Heidi found that even though the students weren’t familiar with the typical structure of comic strips, they took the job seriously and really tried to make their comics great. Through this activity, students were able to express what they learned about invasive species in a fun and colorful way!

