
How to enjoy your mornings more

The truth is, the way our day starts ultimately is going to dictate the way that our day unfolds If your day starts crappy, ultimately your day gonna suck. Today in attempt to help you dominate your day even more, I ‘m going over 3 things that you should NEVER do, and one thing that you should ALWAYS do in the morning.

The first thing that you should never do is Hitting the SNOOZE “Just 10 more minutes,” SNOOZE, “My brain is not working i need 8 more minutes,” SNOOZE, “I have 10 more minutes I can skip the shower,” That is the first failure of the day.

The reason is because by hitting the snooze, you are now AGREEING TO HAVE LESS TIME to do the more important things that we will be touching on down the list. The way that I broke myself with the habit of hitting that snooze, is to put my phone out of reach. This way, I have to get up to turn off the snooze and by getting up I fid myself ready to go instead of getting back in bed.

The second thing that you should never do is Checking Insta. I use this example because a lot of us, including myself for several years starts our day by checking social media. This is a bad habit because it sets up your brain to start your day reactively and not proactively. And no, It’s not just Instagram, and it’s not just social media, this includes anything that is a form of procrastination.

As Computer Science students, we have project that require hours of focus. Those times of focus requires planning and commitment and I believe that the mornings are the time when our brain are at its best and should be used for that.

Third, you should never do is Breakfast high on CARBS

Our breakfast determines how we are going to feel in the next couple hours. Carbs has a lot of energy but here’s the catch, after we eat a lot of sugar and carbs, our bodies get up because of the surge of energy, then we end up crashing in a few hours and demand even more carbs.

Lastly in my opinion, the single most important thing to do in the morning is Exercise. Especially now, it is crucial to have 30 minutes in the morning for a run or a stretch. I personally use this time to think about my day, plan, and sometimes talk with my parents. This exercise time acts like a token that I use to keep myself grounded and to me it is the perfect way to start a routine.