Wow so its week 10 already. To start our project has been doing pretty well. we made improvements towards developing our agent to play our game against thanks to john and Tyler who have been working on that front. On the game development side, ben said he was going to work on the audio part of the project and I’m looking forward to the changes he will make, hopefully it will appear like a much more polished game afterwards.
On my section I’ve been having some issues, i was told to explore our game manager component which monitors the game state and controls the scene components accordingly, almost like a ref of sorts. the issue I’ve been given though is to make this game manager work for only one game in a scene and then to multiple managers in a scene each for there own game. the issue I’ve been running into though is it is very hard to grab each game manager respective to its own game in the code. Im looking to resolve this issue a number of way either by implementing a “head ref” that over looks all of the game managers or just by updating our current game manager to be more effective across all games. Looking forward to how we solve this.