
Blog #1

Hey, my name is Caden and I’m a senior computer science major living in Corvallis, Oregon. One of my biggest hobbies has been soccer where I played for about 15 years, both competitively through high school and club and still play to this day. I’ve also been an avid video game player with my most played game as Destiny 2 and have watched numerous tv shows and anime.

I first got started with computers and software when I originally did a summer camp back in middle school where we did some basic Minecraft modding. I enjoyed this class quite a bit and luckily there were more summer camps like them and I took quite a few more at a place called Silicon Stem Academy. At Silicon I took many of there classes and around high school I would go on to work for them teaching the same classes that I took. Because of this I realized that I enjoyed working in tech and wanted to pursue it. After this I would go to Oregon state, where I’m going into my senior year after only 2 years and with a 3.68 GPA.

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