
IPIP Results & Reactions

Test results surface I am an introvert, like quiet. I enjoy solitude and solitary activities. My social life tends to be limited to a few close friends. But I have positive emotions and feelings. Secondly, my level of Agreeableness is average, indicating some concern with others’ Needs, but, generally, unwillingness to sacrifice yourself for others. Specifically, I trust people easily and I don’t like confrontation. I am fully willing to compromise or deny my needs in order to get along with others. But I’m not a compassionate person, and I prefer to make objective judgments based on reason. The third is I am a conscientious person. This means I am reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled. My score on each DOMAIN/Facet of Conscientiousness is average except Self-Discipline. Then, my score on Neuroticism is average, indicating that my level of emotional reactivity is typical of the general population. Stressful and frustrating situations are somewhat upsetting to you, but I am generally able to get over these feelings and cope with these situations. I’m easily anxious and vulnerable to stress, but I don’t get angry often or easily. The most fatal point, I think, is that I tend to pursue short-term happiness and rewards rather than long-term consequences, and I find myself tempted to overindulge. Last but not least, my score on Openness to Experience is low, indicating I like to think in plain and simple terms. Others describe you as down-to-earth, practical, and conservative.

According to the test results, I am a very average person without any outstanding advantages. My potential employer may also find many weaknesses in me. For example, I’m not a confident, assertive person, and I tend to talk less. Second, I have a low level of self-discipline. It’s hard for me to stick to the task when I’m distracted. My procrastination, poor execution, and frequent failure to complete tasks are also my major weaknesses. Not only that, but I tend to pursue short-term happiness and rewards rather than long-term consequences. It makes me sometimes find myself overindulging. I also have a poor imagination, which makes some companies that need to innovate reject me outright. Even so, I still have some advantages. I’m very cautious. And I think that in social relationships, a certain amount of deception is necessary to get what you want. I am also very good at cooperation. I will make appropriate concessions, and I will be thrilled if my concessions can improve the whole team. I am also a very modest person. And I have no sympathy. I take pride in the fact that I judge things objectively based on reason. I also have a strong sense of responsibility for my work.

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