
Typical vs. Maximal Performance

I would rather hire Avery than Jaime. Although he looks lazy when he usually works. But he has a high-performance ceiling, and that’s something I’m very optimistic about. Once I find a way to motivate him, he will go far in the company. I also believe that he is a very creative person who will bring wealth to the company at a critical time.

For people like Jaime, they have lower Maximal Performance and higher Typical Performance. Although their working ability is not outstanding, they are always cautious and conscientious, they will try their best to complete the daily tasks seriously. They are great for jobs like restaurant management. The daily task is all the same, although sometimes might meet with an emergency situation, most of the emergencies are also within the scope of control. People like Avery, they are better suited to be designers or software engineers. In my personal perspective, they do not need to do the work every day all the time in the maximal performance, work at ordinary times they can sometimes be lazy. In the critical moment, however, such as the need to design an inspired design, develop and test new software or conquer technical problems on software, leaders need to stimulate their motivation, let their state reaches the maximal performance.

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