
Experiences with Discrimination

My dream company is XXX (Shoe company), and I hope to work in the purchasing department after graduation. Suppose that XXX is facing a public lawsuit alleging widespread discrimination against Chinese and that every time it releases new sneakers, it does not supply them in China. The reason is that China has a large population and strong purchasing power, which makes it difficult for other countries to meet the demand. When I face this outstanding claim of discrimination, the first thing I will do is to look for more news to confirm the authenticity of the news report. If the news report is true, it will greatly influence my decision to support the company. I think it is normal for some employees in the company to have racial discrimination, because no one is perfect, and I can accept that. But as a well-known company, it is unwise to make such a decision. The decision represents the entire company, and if the decision has racial discrimination it means the company is racist. It also indirectly shows that the company’s corporate culture is very poor. It is hard to say whether I will apply to work for that company in the future. If XXX company can deal with their fault in a timely manner and issue a sincere apology and response, I will still greatly consider applying for a job in XXX company in the future. I can understand that everyone makes mistakes, and it’s important to correct them. But if they don’t respond positively to the report, I will not apply for the job in that company anymore. 

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