
Typical vs. Maximal Performance

I would rather hire Avery than Jaime. Although he looks lazy when he usually works. But he has a high-performance ceiling, and that’s something I’m very optimistic about. Once I find a way to motivate him, he will go far in the company. I also believe that he is a very creative person who will bring wealth to the company at a critical time.

For people like Jaime, they have lower Maximal Performance and higher Typical Performance. Although their working ability is not outstanding, they are always cautious and conscientious, they will try their best to complete the daily tasks seriously. They are great for jobs like restaurant management. The daily task is all the same, although sometimes might meet with an emergency situation, most of the emergencies are also within the scope of control. People like Avery, they are better suited to be designers or software engineers. In my personal perspective, they do not need to do the work every day all the time in the maximal performance, work at ordinary times they can sometimes be lazy. In the critical moment, however, such as the need to design an inspired design, develop and test new software or conquer technical problems on software, leaders need to stimulate their motivation, let their state reaches the maximal performance.


Critiquing a Recruitment Ad

I think the first impression I make on a potential employer is that I am passionate. I am curious about the unknown and I love learning. Moreover, I am also a person with a sense of time, and I will arrive in advance for various appointments and interviews. Although I am only an undergraduate student now, I am full of confidence in my future. I am a very confident person. I’m not discouraged by a little frustration. On the contrary, it will inspire me to fight. If it’s true that I have weaknesses, I’m always nervous. I would worry about my little mistake causing a loss.

I will create my own resume, which will be brief and to the point, presenting my strengths in all aspects, as well as my knowledge of my weaknesses. Through this week’s study, I will use various methods such as using Internet Methods, searching for Executive Search Firms, direct mailing to my potential target organizations, finding working friends for their recommendation, etc. Now I will also pay much attention to campus recruiters in school. I also try my best to practice my 30-second elevator speech at home. In that case, in the future, I can also use the most concise sentences to let my potential targets know me well. I also learned through Google’s secret interview process that I needed to exercise my professional skills and put what I have learned into practice. This is critical to getting my potential target organization to notice me and see me like an extraordinary and skilled person. These are just my initial thoughts, and I will try to put them into action and make them a reality. I am a very confident person, and I believe my efforts will be successful.


Job Descriptions

The job description gives me a general idea of what the job does and what skills are needed for a job. A good job description can also prevent me from finding a position that is not suitable for me. Since my last job was at the school McNary Dinning Hall, these jobs are very simple and do not require some skills learned in school, so the job description is not too complicated to understand. Besides, the management will give priority to those who have worked in this field. I also think I am suitable for the position offered by the school. At McNary Dinning Hall, all I had to do was to wash dishes in the dish room, cut vegetables in the kitchen, and clean up the hall. I think my experience at the McNary Dinning Hall fits well with its job description for the most part. But there was a part of it that I didn’t expect. Not only do I need to do my job during the rush hour, I also need to fill in some positions that are too busy. Because some colleagues may be absent for urgent reasons, this places the burden on the incumbent. We sometimes have to take up positions we’ve never been trained for. I think this is something that needs to be improved. Because taking on a new job without training not only reduces efficiency, it can also make a department more chaotic.


Experiences with Discrimination

My dream company is XXX (Shoe company), and I hope to work in the purchasing department after graduation. Suppose that XXX is facing a public lawsuit alleging widespread discrimination against Chinese and that every time it releases new sneakers, it does not supply them in China. The reason is that China has a large population and strong purchasing power, which makes it difficult for other countries to meet the demand. When I face this outstanding claim of discrimination, the first thing I will do is to look for more news to confirm the authenticity of the news report. If the news report is true, it will greatly influence my decision to support the company. I think it is normal for some employees in the company to have racial discrimination, because no one is perfect, and I can accept that. But as a well-known company, it is unwise to make such a decision. The decision represents the entire company, and if the decision has racial discrimination it means the company is racist. It also indirectly shows that the company’s corporate culture is very poor. It is hard to say whether I will apply to work for that company in the future. If XXX company can deal with their fault in a timely manner and issue a sincere apology and response, I will still greatly consider applying for a job in XXX company in the future. I can understand that everyone makes mistakes, and it’s important to correct them. But if they don’t respond positively to the report, I will not apply for the job in that company anymore. 


The Case for Recruitment & Selection

Because compared to recruitment and selection, organizations would spend less money on marketing and product design. The first is that the hiring process is expensive and the organization needs to advertise the position. If HR makes the wrong decision in hiring, the organization will pay to hire again. Moreover, if the opportunity cost is lost due to the wrong recruitment, the organization and the manager must spend extra time to correct the mistake. On top of that, if hiring discrimination occurs, it can be costly. An organization decides not to prioritize hiring and selection, but to focus on other aspects of the business primarily because it is difficult to successfully recruit a good employee, and that employee can be stolen by other companies for a variety of reasons. But if an organization can increase its brand awareness and strategic resources, the company is hard to emulate which can definitely bring more benefits to the organization. However, there are potential downsides to the decision. Employees are the most important organizational function for a successful organization. Hiring the right people is also key to success. If the right people cannot be found, it will be difficult for the organization to promote brand awareness and create the right strategic resources. In other words, it may take several times longer to succeed.