Category: Uncategorized

  • Review of React Native Expo

    This capstone course was my first venture into React Native development, and I thought it would be beneficial to recap my experience and go over some of the pros and cons. I have previous experience with the React framework, as well as mobile development experience with Flutter and Dart, so I can make an independent…

  • How and When to Ask For Help

    I am under the belief that most people (we are referring to workers, students, colleagues, etc.) ask for help far too easily and too often. Many of us get questions at work or on a group project from a teammate that we don’t know the answer to, but we are able to quickly Google search…

  • Why You Should Lint

    I know what you are thinking, but no, this article is not about cleaning out your dryer or belly button. A linter, when it comes to software development, is actually a tool that is meant to automate the cleanup of your code. A linter can do many different things, from catching bugs to cleaning up…

  • Developer Portfolio

    Everyone is in school for the same reasons, to build a career and obtain a job. Although it may seem like a hassle, it can be very helpful to have a website representing your resume in a consumable fashion! LinkedIn is a great site for this purpose, but you can level up your portfolio by…

  • Document Everything!

    Documentation seems to be the bain of every developer’s existence. We spend hours figuring out the solution to a problem, and then are expected to regurgitate that information all over again in a palatable format. This is difficult for a couple of reasons: It is always boring to reiterate something you already made once. We…

  • Spinning Wheels

    All developers know the feeling. You finally figured out how to get that tricky, confusing feature to work properly. You installed all of the necessary dependencies, you made sure all of the packages were on the right version, and you finally ran a successful build that was error-free. You (hopefully) commit it to the repository…

  • To Learn a New Skill or Deepen Expertise?

    As a software developer who wants to grow and become an expert in the computer science field, I know that I need to be constantly growing my skills, learning new frameworks and languages, and deepening my problem-solving skills. Anyone who works in the computer science space knows that we must always stay up to date…

  • Hard Work Yields Opportunity

    As I prepare to enter into my last course at Oregon State, the Online Capstone, I find myself reflecting on everything that has led me to this point in my life and career. Although this blog will mainly recount my experiences as I help my team build out our capstone project, it is fitting to…