Developer Portfolio

Everyone is in school for the same reasons, to build a career and obtain a job. Although it may seem like a hassle, it can be very helpful to have a website representing your resume in a consumable fashion! LinkedIn is a great site for this purpose, but you can level up your portfolio by creating your own personal site.

How to get started

The first decision is how to build the site. If you are looking for a quick build to deploy with minimal effort, then Wix or WordPress may be for you. The downside with one of those pre-built website builders is that you won’t get as much development experience and it won’t showcase any of your skills.

If you are wanting to get a taste of web development experience, then you can build your site with React, Angular, or any of the other popular frameworks for web development. This will take some more time to learn, but then you have a project to add to your resume!

My portfolio site:

What does it need

The portfolio can basically be a more visual representation of your resume, so you will need all of the usual sections.

  • Contact Information
  • Info About Yourself
  • Work Experience
  • Skills 
  • Education
  • Projects

Try to add pictures and make it visually appealing, as it should be a step up from your basic resume. The more engaging, the better!

Adding some photos to the Skills gives the page some color and catches the eye.


This provides yet another avenue for employers to find you and see what you can bring to the table. By creating a nice portfolio site, you will make yourself more marketable and put yourself in a better position to get interviews and more looks from potential employers!

If you want to give my portfolio site a look, check out!

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