Week 10 Blog

Before this class, I did not really understand what a labor union was, although I had heard of them plenty of times in the past. After doing research about this topic, it is clear to see that labor unions are important for employees to be able to fight for their rights in the workplace.

One really interesting aspect of labor unions that I found interesting is that through collective bargaining, they are able to negotiate with the employers for higher salary and benefits for the employees. This is obviously a pro when it comes to the need for these intermediate workers that have the employees interest in mind. On the flip side, labor unions are not cheap in their own right, as the workers in a closed labor union must also pay for agency fees that can accrue quickly if many people are applying for positions.

Overall, I don’t think that I would personally join a labor union unless it was in an open setting because I believe that these agencies shouldn’t have to tack on fees. The best part about any business should be its employees diversity and individuality, which labor unions seem to discourage. By not having singular people stand out in one way or another whether it be good or bad, that can also make it tougher for employers to promote and terminate workers. Unfortunately, I believe labor unions are more for people who don’t understand how to think for themselves.

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