Week #8 – Blog

When I first got a job the idea of compensation was always on the forefront of my mind. I worked ever since I was eleven years old and as time went forward compensation started to increase. It became evident that compensation held a significant sway over my decision-making process. Beyond the basic necessity of financial security, the appeal of a higher pay motivated me to do better in hopes that wages would always get better. It also looked like to me that my skills and contributions were being appreciated. I felt a sense of belonging. When I got another job opportunity for higher pay I took it. This job though required me to complete more tasks, but also I was given more responsibilities. This was a good switch because of the higher compensation that was given to me. I also felt like I could grow in this company so staying to build a career or future for higher compensation was my new goal. 

I also feel getting paid well not only shows how much you’re worth in the job market, but it also makes you feel important and respected. When you accept a job that pays more, it can make you feel prestigious and increase that confidence inside of you. This will allow you to never be comfortable and hop into a job force that always is competitive, and always you to compete.

Overall, I think, people should look into compensation when they feel that their performance is great and needs to be compensated more. I think too many people look into compensation even when their performance is not the best. I think compensation is not given but earned.