
Impact Of Stress On Organizations

From the three tests/surveys this week I learned things about my stress management and emotional regulation. From the type A personality survey, it said that I have a moderate level of impatience and irritability and I had a score of 49. It said that I typically am warm and tolerant, but I can be impatient and hostile. It also said that when I am stressed or frustrated that I lash out at others or stew in anger. I do not agree with this assessment as I am pretty easy going and do not tend to lash out at people ever. I do agree with “stewing” in my anger as I don’t bring up frustrations with people because I do not like confrontation. From the stress inventory test I scored a 278. I had just taken this survey in another class specifically made for college students and scored a 587. This suggests I have a higher risk of experiencing a health breakdown in the next two years. I scored a 49 on the Problem-focused coping test which suggests that I don’t frequently use strategies that could help me challenge the sources of my stress. Problem-Focused coping can be effective when dealing with stressors and I learned I have areas to grow within developing my coping skills. I have been taking steps to better manage my stress in the future by developing better coping skills in therapy.

Organizational stress can bring lots of negative outcomes for employees and the overall company. It can lead to decreased productivity, higher absenteeism, and high turnover rates. Based on research from the World Health Organization, if employers focus on treating common mental health issues they can improve productivity. Key things that they should do is recognize employees for carrying unique emotional burdens, show empathy by assuring employees that they are not alone, and creating a safe, supportive environment for work-related stress. Research also shows that inadequate paid time off can significantly increase work-related stress. 

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