Week 5 Extra Credit

I completed the Implicit Social Attitudes test on Weight, and the results suggest that I have a strong automatic preference for Thin People over Fat People. I would say that these results are relatively accurate, due to my strong belief in the importance of keeping yourself healthy by providing yourself with a good diet and keeping your body moving within different types of workouts.

Effect of Implicit Bias on the Selection Process

I believe that implicit bias can have a significant impact on the reliability, and validity, of the selection process within the interview process. One way that implicit bias can impact the reliability of the selection process is through interviewer variability. Different interviewers will normally differing implicit biases, meaning they will evaluate candidates all a bit differently. This can lead to inconsistent and unreliable results when a selection has been made. Implicit Biases can also affect the validity of the interviewer selection process y influencing the questions that the interviewers ask the candidate and the way in which the candidates are interpreted. Asking easier or more difficult questions to candidates based on the implicit biases that the interviewer has on the candidate’s demographics.

Mitigating the Effect of Implicit Bias in the Selection Process

It is important to train the interviewers to recognize the implicit biases that they hold. This way they can have an understanding of the biases that they cannot control, and possibly mitigate themselves from those biases affecting the interview in a negative way. This can be provided through online education online. Standardizing questions can also help to reduce the influence of implicit bias on the selection process.






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