Extra Credit Blog Assignment

Within this class, specifically week 3 learning materials, we discussed diversity and inclusion along with equal employment opportunities. It was discussed ways in which discrimination can be seen, such as for color, gender and religion. While there are laws such as Title VII and Equal Pay Act of 1963 have been placed to fight against these discriminatory acts, it is still seen within the work and hiring environments, often from biases and stereotypes people might not know they are using. As seen in lecture video Diversity and Inclusion, such assumptions against a particular group, implicit or explicit, can lead to unfair decisions by hiring managers or employees.

For this assignment I took a test on skin tone. Within this test was the words good, bad, dark-skinned and light-skinned. These were placed together or by themselves and you had to categorize different faces or words into these terms. The system said to complete them as fast as you can, and with the switching locations of the words I did mess up a few times in which it would then give you a red X. The final result of this test said “Your data suggest a moderate implicit preference for Light Skinned People compared to Dark Skinned People.” Seeing this was a bit of a shock, as I never have thought of myself in that way. I feel that I do not hold any conscious biases in terms or race, but this result made me wonder if I have some implicit biases that I might not know about, maybe from growing up in a primarily white neighborhood. These implicit biases could impact the reliability of a selection process if someone where trying to get hired as a dark skinned person by someone with a preference.

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