Week 4 Discussion

Since coming into school, doing internships and ultimately landing a full-time job, I have realized you must protect you and your company at all costs through the l

Since coming into school, doing internships, and ultimately landing a full-time job, I have realized you must protect yourself and your company at all costs through the law. In order to protect yourself and your company, you must compile sufficient documentation for areas of risk. In this case, the risk and challenges of job descriptions. The first challenge is being able to differentiate the job description from role to role. Creating these job descriptions could take an abundance of time and a great team. If you are a smaller company, the challenge persists more notably. Not only will it take time and money it will also require you to update them over time, to be sure you are keeping up with your industry (Al-Marwai,2009). With this great challenge comes a great reward, companies who were able to create job descriptions, noticed a great deal of efficiency and clarity in their company (Al-Marwai,2009).

An additional risk associated with job descriptions is the vulnerability it leaves you against employer grievances (Tyler, 2013). Not having a clear and concise description will allow the employee or the business to put either party in a position of negligence. The description can be a part of a promotional justification or a justification for letting someone go (Tyler,2013). In my personal experience, I have had a positive experience with job descriptions. Since all the companies I have been with have descriptions, it gives me a great foundation of what is expected. It also allows me to try and strive to get a promotion as I can see what it takes to take on the next position. Lastly, it allows me to set semi-annual and annual goals based on my job description to give me areas for improvement.


Al-Marwai, S. A., & Subramaniam, I. D. (2009). A review of the need for writing & updating job descriptions for 21st century organizations. European Journal of Social Science, 12(2), 241-252.

Tyler, K. (2013). Job Worth Doing: Update Descriptions. SHRM; SHRM. https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-magazine/Pages/0113-job-descriptions.aspx

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