Week 1 Staffing Post

Staffing and recruitment is one of the crucial aspects of a business that allows businesses to succeed. Being an effective recruiter can allow you to scan for the right personal, which can bring success to the business long term. But what about the short term? If businesses focus too much on recruitment and selection this may impact the other parts of the business. Some businesses aren’t in a financial situation where they can throw extra resources at recruitment/selection. Some businesses are just looking to get by month to month which means they should focus their extra resources on the operations side of things. If you devote too many resources to recruitment and selection for the HR department this may mean there are a lack of resources in other departments. Some businesses know that there will be a highish turnover rate no matter who they hire so instead of fighting the inevitable with recruitment they choose to put more resources in to other aspects like marketing or sales. This makes sense and is a smart move for some businesses.

When looking at the positives of an organizations decision to not prioritize recruitment/selection the one’s that come to mind would be putting more resources towards operations. Being able to increase production, the quality of product that is produced and devote more money/resources to R&D. Another thing companies can do is save the money they would have put into recruitment/selection and keep it in reserve. Some of the negatives that leave company a little bit weak is turnover rates will be higher if you aren’t careful in the hiring process. This means you will lose a lot of resources not just money, but a lot of time. You waste the time training that employee and time firing that person. Then you have to do all over again until you find the right person.

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