Job Well Done

I recently got a tour of the new online catalog that our Extension office built. Essentially it houses all of their publications in one easy to navigate Drupal site. For anyone with Drupal or database experience you know that alone is a heroic task. The site is full of features and cool modules. It is […]

OSU Standard Theme Launched

CWS and Web Communications rolled out the latest theme in the Brand family. This is a great step in creating a consistent user experience that reaches from the OSU home page to every department and program. The theme is called Standard, and it closely mimics the home page. It has an embedded rotating story feature […]

Thoughts on content management

Many Oregon State Web communicators use software called Drupal to manage their content. Content management is an efficient way to distribute editorial responsibilities. Also, by placing your content into a database-driven system like Drupal, it becomes easier to search, update, categorize, reuse and syndicate. But this doesn’t mean that moving to a content mangement system […]