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YouTube breakout

One of our amazing and talented interns organized a “flash mob” dance to bring awareness to diversity issues on campus. To date we’ve had well over 50,000 views and counting since the beginning of the month.

Home page publishing guidelines

To remove some of the mystery surrounding how content is selected for the top tier and home page of the OSU Web site, we’ve created a set of publishing guidelines. These guidelines have been reviewed by the Web Redesign Steering Committee and should provide some clarity for those wishing to use the home page as […]

Test drive our new home page

We’re thrilled to announce the full, working beta version of OSU’s new home page, ready to test drive for the next two weeks before it replaces the “vintage” site. In mid-May, we’ll replace the old site with the new beta. For those of you with a sentimental outlook on the old site, we’ll keep it available […]

Online Quick Start Guide

Taking Your Cause Online Quick Start Guide Start your blog The blog can be the hub of all of your Web activity. Set up a free blog at or Come up with a plan for adding content; stick to it Aim for twice per week Length isn’t important Mix formats: text, photos, slideshows, […]

Video for the Web

Non-brand conversation: Brand conversation: Marketing: Advertisement: Editorial, president’s report: Editorial, research: Editorial, news: Primary research: Mistakes: Inauthentic, Penn State: Authentic, UW: Flip camera quality Inspiration

“Drupal on Rye” brown bag series coming from CWS

Sher Fenn from Central Web Services, who has done an amazing job in helping the OSU Web community get the most out of Drupal, is piloting a new brown bag series. Here are the details: Drupal on Rye is a brown bag, open forum that will attempt to draw  together intermediate to advanced OSU Drupal […]

Home page mock-up

The home page redesign project is moving steadily forward. We’ve produced mock-up and a prototype for testing. We’ve run the front page design past the steering committee, and members are now gathering and providing feedback. We’ve also been testing with users, gathering feedback on the visual design and layout. Reviews have been promising so far. […]

Beta search and home page updates

During the break, we’ve made some changes to the main OSU home page. We added the new tag to the OSU logo and updated some colors to make them brand compliant. These changes will be live beginning Monday, January 4. We’ve also moved the site search to the banner. Thanks to Central Web Services, OSU’s […]

The Battle for YouTube

It’s Civil War time again and battles of all types have been raging between Oregon State University and the University of Oregon. In the middle of it all the Web Communications department has been waging a war of our own.