OSU Colleges launch two new sites
We’d like to congratulate the communications teams at the College of Pharmacy and the College of Public Health and Human Sciences for launching new sites. These were two very large projects that included teams at the colleges as well as Web Communications and Central Web Services. The new sites model OSU’s brand guidelines and tie […]
We’re hiring interns
One of the best parts of working at a university is the opportunity to work with talented and motivated interns. This year we graduated a crop of excellent interns who will be taking professional work samples into the job market. Most have already landed great opportunities. We’ll be hiring a Web Content Intern and a […]
Demo Reel
The Web Communications Office now has a demo reel of recent video, multimedia and motion graphics work. Thanks to our team of phenomenal interns for putting it together (and for doing much of the featured work). HD motion content is now a primary facet of communicating on the web, and our goal is to make […]
OSU featured in social media case study
It’s great when our institution receives positive recognition. In a series of case studies from the consulting firm Fathom Online Marketing, Oregon State’s efforts have been recognized as an example of best practices. This is largely due to the efforts of Web Comm staffers Kegan Sims and Celene Carillo, and the numerous other communicators on […]
OSU brings home gold from Vancouver
OSU’s redesigned home page brought home a Grand Gold Award from the Council for the Support and Advancement of Education (CASE) at the annual conference where winners in a number of communications categories are selected from hundreds of entries from colleges and universities across the western U.S. and Canada. This is especially rewarding given the […]
OSU Authentic Theme brings Brand to WordPress
Through partnering with Central Web Services, we were recently able to bring a robust, branded theme to WordPress. This has been a tool that has been missing from our kit to to date. We’ve had older themes in place, but none of them followed the Brand guidelines. This new theme is designed for creating a […]
OSU home page stands out
In this recent post on a design blog, OSU’s home page was hailed as a standout in an informal survey of 50 college websites from 50 different states. Designer Josh Johnson noted: Attractive colors, great use of contrast, solid implementation of modern web technologies, quality photography, and strong alignment: all important pieces in the recipe […]
OSU Standard Theme Launched
CWS and Web Communications rolled out the latest theme in the Brand family. This is a great step in creating a consistent user experience that reaches from the OSU home page to every department and program. The theme is called Standard, and it closely mimics the home page. It has an embedded rotating story feature […]
HighEdWeb Presentation ’10
Powered by Orange: Lessons from a digitally driven campaign on Prezi