SXSW 2013

                  I just got back from Austin. Here are my notes from some fantastic panels and keynote speeches. There is a lot to get through, but hey, stick with me. The Real Responsive Process These guys talked about the theory behind it, why we should be doing […]

March 16, 2013










I just got back from Austin. Here are my notes from some fantastic panels and keynote speeches. There is a lot to get through, but hey, stick with me.

The Real Responsive Process

These guys talked about the theory behind it, why we should be doing it, and most importantly admitting that it’s okay to not completely understand it. It’s new, give yourselves a break.

Here are the speakers, you can follow them on Twitter and check out what they do in the responsive world.


Steve Fisher @hellofisher


Samantha Toy @SamanthaToy


Yesenia Perez-Cruz @yeseniaa


Aaron Gustafson @AaronGustafson



He mentioned this site as an alternative to Bootstrap


“Still discovering, still don’t totally know what we are doing, if I’m honest.”

“Knowing that you don’t know everything is key.”


Tina Roth Eisenberg


Scroll down a while on that site and you can watch her keynote, I like having it on in the background while I’m working. She founded and runs these businesses:

She’s a pretty cool lady, it’s a Swiss thing I guess. I like how a company she founded goes on to produce more great companies, must be a pretty great feeling. E.g. Studiomates are responsible for:

She said something that really stuck with me… “Stay away from people that are fond of disliking things.” I like that.


Dennis Crowley – Foursquare CEO – The Future Of Location


He talked about something that I have never really thought about, location visualisation. The shape of a place can be defined by check-ins. E.g. JFK airport isn’t just a dot on a map, it is a space defined by the location of people within it. Areas defined by density of people.

This is a video he showed, it illustrates the point well.


Let Conscience Be Your Guide, Moral Design.


The things we use change us. 6 principles of moral design.


 1. Moral design is restrained.

– “Good design should be as little design as possible.” Dieter Rams.

– Respect restraint and constraints.


2. Moral design improves harmony.

– Sustain and improve balance and order.

– Never solve one problem by creating others.


3. Moral design is dynamic.

– Value the imperfection that comes from crafting real things.

– We should have a healthy fear of perfection. If it is perfect, it is static.


4. Moral design requires craftsmanship.

– Good things come from good craftsmanship.

– Think about people when you are creating things for people.

– This was made for me.


5. Moral design is honest.

– Does not pretend to be something other than what it is.

– Design is a promise.

– Is it achievable?

– Will it make people better people?


6. Moral design is organic.

– Treat the user, design, brand, environment as one organism.

– What is healthy for one thing has to be healthy for all other parts.

– Nothing good can come to the brand at the expense of users.


If your values are not being practiced in tangible ways, then they are bad for you. They are meaningless.

“Do the right thing, it will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” Mark Twain


Here is what I got out of this crazy week. People always say things like, “music was better in the 60’s”, “this restaurant used to be good, then it got popular”, “SXSW was better before the corporations arrived.” Yeah well thats great, personally I think it’s lazy. Here are some reasons to be cheerful about where we are, right now.

– crowd-funding, see this

– collaborative workspaces

– CEO’s admitting they are still learning, and that being okay

– definitely this

One thing though, sitting in a room with 3000 people all looking at their smartphones / tablets / laptops is scary. The bright glow and glazed eyes. Hug a tree once in a while.


– Oliver

CATEGORIES: Design Multimedia User Experience

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