“Drupal on Rye” brown bag series coming from CWS

Sher Fenn from Central Web Services, who has done an amazing job in helping the OSU Web community get the most out of Drupal, is piloting a new brown bag series. Here are the details: Drupal on Rye is a brown bag, open forum that will attempt to draw  together intermediate to advanced OSU Drupal […]

February 5, 2010

Sher Fenn from Central Web Services, who has done an amazing job in helping the OSU Web community get the most out of Drupal, is piloting a new brown bag series. Here are the details:

Drupal on Rye is a brown bag, open forum that will attempt to draw  together intermediate to advanced OSU Drupal users who are interested in the  following:

  • Providing feedback to CWS regarding OSU Drupal
  • Establishing a real-life Drupal community with a focus on mutual  support and encouragement

The  Drupal on Rye atmosphere will be informal, flexible, and may include guest  speakers from CWS or other departments involved with OSU Drupal.  It will  take place in a seminar room to allow participants the ability to bring food  and beverages during discussion.  The primary focus of this forum is  discussion.  Participants can bring their own laptops if they wish to  review any websites discussed during the session.

Our  first session will be held on Feb. 17th from 11:30 to 1:00 pm in the  Willamette West Seminar Room, Rm. 3622, 3rd Floor Valley Library.  Follow  the provided URL for a map, if you’ve never visited Willamette West  before: http://osulibrary.oregonstate.edu/locations/floor3.html.

Topics  will be fielded prior to the event. If you have a particular topic or issue  you would like to discuss, feel free to submit it either via the Drupal  Support List at http://oregonstate.edu/tools/mailto/drupal_support or through a CWS Help Ticket at http://oregonstate.edu/cws/contact.  We can’t guarantee that all topics will be  covered in the given time and will give higher consideration to those topics  that are more universal in nature.

This is  an experimental pilot forum.  Continuation of this event will hinge on  the demonstrated participation of 10 or more users.  If successful, CWS  will offer this opportunity on an ongoing basis.

We hope  to see you there!

This is a great opportunity to meet more folks in the community of Drupal users. You’ll certainly run into some folks from Web Comm if you go.

Do you have other ideas for topics, seminars and workshops that you’d like to see happening on campus? Be sure to join the OSU IMC Network on Ning (imcnet.ning.com), and become a member of the Web Communicators sub-group.  Suggest your topics there, or in the comments on this blog post.


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