Using Persona(s) in Email Marketing

What is Persona? How we elevate it?

What is Persona(s)?

A persona is a character created as a representative for a target audience. Digital marketers craft personas by analyzing primary and secondary sources, including ethnographic insight arising from direct observation of people and from data on their behavioral patterns.

How to create a persona?

Personas are derived from a combination of five research methods:

  • Demographic — Defines the basic structure of a population based on geography, income, level of education, and other standard descriptive attributes.
  • Psychographic — Focuses on values, opinions, interests, aspirations, attitudes and lifestyles.
  • Ethnographic — Involves participatory observation where insights are gleaned by watching subjects in their daily routines and capturing what isn’t explicitly reported.
  • Transactional — Reveals insights through a historical customer relationship, including first- and third-party purchase histories and post-sale service records.
  • Behavioral — Captures data passively through engagement with websites, mobile devices and other media, content and channels that reveal how audiences engage over the course of a relationship.

Personas In Digital Marketing

“People nowadays tend to get information overload.” The personas should resonate with them.

Using Buyer Personas in Email Marketing Campaigns.

Once you got targeted personas by doing research.

1.Segmenting your email lists×294.png

Here are some ideas on how to segment:

  • Sales stage (Prospect, former customer, etc.)
  • Title/position (IT Director, CIO)
  • Interests (webpages visited, resources downloaded, emails opened)
  • Partners (or potential partners)
  • Vertical markets

It makes it really easy to pull a particular list and send a highly targeted campaign once an email list is segmented out. For example, if you are a food delivery service whose target buyer is working people, you can pull a list of all working people in the database and send a campaign specific to them.

One step further, if your company is running a promotion on delivery, you can segment the service list further to those who have visited your delivery service page.

2. Write Captivating Copy×362.png

Predicting your buyer persona’s everyday problems and ask yourself how can your company help solve them? Take into consideration a buyer’s biggest concerns and struggles, and then write copy that will address those concern

Consider word usage and particular phrases. The words used to market to a Millennial are going to be different than those used to speak to a Baby Boomer. So take into consideration things like age and educational background. Would the reader respond well to complex words or a colloquial approach? All of these considerations can help hone in on a message that will speak to the persona.

3. Provide a Suitable Offer

What does your buyer persona value most (time, money)? Depending on what is most important to them will determine what offer to present. Just make sure the offer speaks to what is valuable to the buyer.

Also, present the offer at the very end of the campaign. After hearing a consistent targeted message for a few weeks, the reader is a lot more likely to convert.

Work cites:

MRKT 484 Ashley on Personas. (n.d.). Retrieved from

The New Way of Email Marketing. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Using Buyer Personas in Email Marketing Campaigns. (2019, March 7). Retrieved from

What’s in a Name? Creating Personas for Digital Marketing. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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